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Deleted 210 days ago

Thanks! ^^ <3 I hope the future releases continue to provide much entertainment as it should only go up from here!

I do want to try it,but I can't since I'm on mobile,I think this should be played on the browser

No worries! We normally have a mobile version offered for Android, but it won't be fixed until v0.20 (For some reason we couldn't get it working with v0.19 or v0.19.5 While between programmers.)

Discord says the posted link is either invalid or has expired.

>.< Must've ran out of time, here's a new updated one that'll work for the next 30 days. ^^

(My plan is to open the server up as a community during December, since Discord has decided to limit invite links only working for 30 days before they're invalid, unless it's for a community. >.< )

Would kinda like to see character customisation added so you can have your character in either uniforms

Just checking, you mean for the protag to be seen in the male or female uniform? Or something else? :P I can't always promise every suggestion, but we do consider stuff all the time to add if it means more options. ^^

Yes I mean the male and female uniforms would love to see it and possibly have slightly different text for some of the encounters and possibly full character customisation if possible (that includes diaper customization) if it's not possible then that's perfectly fine just a suggestion 

yeah other than this its a really good vn and has great story to it cant wait to see future update

Gotcha! It is something we could consider if it meant more personal experiences. :P We'll of course take some time to think it over and make sure it pans out with overall development before confirming it for sure. Thank you for the suggestion and the kind words! <3 ^^


no worries I'm happy to wait as the game is built well and you and the dev team seem to be like a friendly bunch so it will be a pleasure to see the future of the game


with the premise and a certain sprite you have shown for the future I won't lie having the MC wear the girls' uniform was definitly on my mind. very excited if you do decide to add that but don't if you feel it detracts from the story you want to tell.

(1 edit) (+1)

honestly this is really well written and designed. I'd kind of like to see you do a abdl life sim or rpg sort of VN. You know a game that is more or less a vn format but with life sim or rpg elements. I've seen people use renpy or other engines to experiment with this idea for other genres and it's often times done very well and with how well you've done with this I think you'd do very well with this kind of idea.

Thank you for the kind words! ^^ I don't want to get ahead of myself with any mentions yet, since we're still looking at a year or so worth of content to get into the game. There are rough plans in the form of notes for a project after MA that if done right, it'll be pretty interesting with it's gameplay elements, much more interactive than MA. :P

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you. Honestly my only complaint about MA is that it is just a VN with no actual gameplay or personal interactivity with the characters. Though to be fair that's kind of how VNs are. That being said there are not many games in this genre and I'd love to see more works from you with more in depth gameplay and actually being able to interact with characters or at least being able to have more freedom with regards to getting into situations with characters. Especially if said game is in this kind of genre because and I can't stress this enough you make good characters and stories and there are not enough options for this genre.

(2 edits)

Also if you do make a game like this please remember. Not everyone can afford to pay for win rar. Zip is just more accessible to more players and having to download extra players just to play a game either adds more hoops to jump through or just makes the game inaccessible. I can't stress enough how annoying it is to find a game and realize you can't play it because the dev didn't take this into consideration. It seems to happen more so with NSFW games then anything else. It's mostly either having to install some obscure rpgm file that for one reason or another my laptop refuses to allow me to install (usually because my computer recognized a virus or something and I'm not gonna risk destroying my computer just to play a game) or it's a RAR which requires me and I'd imagine many others to instal winrar which I just can't afford to pay a monthly fee ( or yearly I can't remember it's been a while since I straightened out my priorities) to renew. So please... I'm begging you to keep this in mind.

Thank you! <3 I do think someone else had brought it up as well recently, that they had troubles with .rar files and asked for us to provide .zip files even as a alternative. We'll go ahead and correct this with our upcoming release for MA v0.20 forward~ ^^

(2 edits) (+1)

I might have way back when. But yeah if you want to increase your player base by maximizing availability then please keep in mind that a zip file would make the game available to near everyone who uses windows but can't afford to keep renewing winrar. Not sure how Mac works so my suggestion would be to have a zip file (for windows), rar file (for mac I think), and an apk file (for mobile) readily available to maximize potential player base. Not having any one of these 3 could potentially turn away potential players and valuable potential insight in regards to what people think of your game due to an inability to play said game. also thank you for your consideration.

Will it still be Updated? And the dc link can't be used anymore. :(

Eyup! We're about to put out a news post today or tomorrow that lists how close we are with the content in development and actually probably setting a confirmed release date as well! ^^

This link should work, I forgot Discord invite links only last for 30 days now unless we're a community server. (Still looking into that before opening it up as one.)

I want to start playing this game but I have one question. Which one is the MC? And what is the MC's physical appearance like?


Of course! ^^ The MC is Brandon and his appearance can be seen here from one of the cg scenes, but his sprite visuals aren't seen as the pov is from his eyes through most of the game.


Thank god. I thought the MC was one of the fat or skeleton-looking basement dweller of a floppy and crusty excuse of humans.


I was curious, assumed, and a little frightened...


Wow! I've seen a very tiny bit of people mention the game or cover it in some form before, but I have to give you major props for giving the game a chance and making a video covering it! ^^ I always have to assume that this isn't the type of game or content that most people are willingly looking to cover and I totally get that for good reason due to the themes naturally. ^^" So, even if your video was to judge it harshly or bring up what you don't personally like, I would've understood 100%.

What I think is most surprising is that you not only covered the game's intro, but it really feels like you go into trying a great range of games with a open mind, maybe not for the exact reason others might be coming to the game and playing it for.. XD But.. I have to give respect as a whole for even wishing to try it out, even if you decide along the way, that it just isn't something to cover any further.

I hope my response doesn't influence how you personally think about the game, good or bad and if you do cover more of the game in future videos. I hope your thoughts about things are truthful even if it's pointing out the good, bad, etc. Thank you for sharing your video coverage here, you have a new subscriber! ^^

(If you are comfortable with it, I'd love to include a embedded or link to your video within the game's page for better access. It might be what some people need to see to give the game a chance themselves even! :P )


Thank you for the reply. I'm glad that you appreciated the video. I had a lot of fun playing through the intro to the game, and I really enjoy getting to discover new/original storylines in the AVN world. You are more than welcome to use my video on any of your socials or other websites. I'd be honored, and I hope that it has and will help others find and experience your game.


Did has Another update yet?…I play this 2 months ago and I want to re-play back…what news?

We're working to provide some further news and previews for the next content this month. ^^ Each week should bring some new details, but the ultimate goal is to set a confirmed release date during this month. (Awkward wording: This month we'll set a release date, but that doesn't mean the release date is for June, it could be a July date set.) ^^"


I played through this entire thing last night just on a whim and I gotta say, I'm absolutely OBSESSED with Miki. That girl is just too precious. I was curious if there's any sort of plans for like a diaper changing scene or any sort of cute CG stuff with her at all? She's the type of character I would definitely prefer to take care of rather than sexually pursue.

Zoey is honestly the exact same in that regard. Honestly she gives me more autistic vibes than Miki does, and I absolutely live for it

Also, just for a little brainstormy thing bc I have absolutely 0 skill with game design in any capacity, but would an abdl themed virtual pet simulator not be the coolest thing? Like instead of a dog or a tamagotchi you have an adult baby that you take care of? Like idk I just think that's a neat idea, dunno how it could ever be fleshed out though. 

Very happy to hear this! ^^ I can confirm that later in the game with route episodes, there is a whole gameplay system revolved around a more personal experience with diaper content and some touches in that regard. I haven't really gave it much thought before, but there could be a chance that there's a path that leans more into a less sexual relationship with the chosen girl. I can't 100% confirm that yet, but I'll toss that into my dev notes to see what we can get done! :P

ABDL simulator, be sure to check in on your little one every so often and keep them well maintained! :P I don't have much experience with simulator games, but I'd figure something like that wouldn't be extremely difficult to put together. (Unsure how you'd go about having it keep track of time passed and how that activates certain events in the sense. <.< ) But I'd think, that'd be the difficult part to tackle.

Sounds like you have quite a lot of replayability planned for this project! That's super exciting to hear. Reminds me a lot of Sunrider Academy, where there are multiple branching paths, except Sunrider is arguably -less- versatile since there's really only one way the routes can play out. Either way, sounds really cool! I was lucky to come across this project.
Do you happen to have a discord by chance? I'm an aspiring game dev myself, but my issue is I have absolutely no idea where to even begin, where you seem to be pretty well knowing of what you're doing. Would like to possibly get some insight as to your general process, if I could? Any advice at all is wonderful, only reason I ask about Discord is because I feel like this could potentially be a very, very lengthy discussion lol

Eyup! ^^ At least that's the plan, shoot for more replay-ability and unique experience overall! :P Just one step at a time not to overdue it, but even what we have planned alone so far with the diaper system. It'll allow for a pretty unique experience when comparing it to someone else's playthrough. ^^

I do have a discord server for the project and it's open to any fans/supporters of the project to join, chat with others interested in the project and generally hang out with the community of like-minded people. :P If you'd like to join, the link to the discord server is below. If you have any questions more personally for discord, you can find me in the server as well to direct message me or what not. ^^

Our Patreon page is another spot you could check out and follow, even for free. We'll sometimes do a few public posts for updates on the development or other shared content, so those are free to view or even low as $5 support unlocks quite a good amount of exclusive Patreon related previews for upcoming content in the works, behind the scenes stuff, etc. :P

I did actually pledge to your patreon already ^^ Under a different username, probably lol. I try not to use my regular screen name when interacting in the ABDL community because my friends have had a history of google searching my username as a joke in the past and I don't want to have to explain my kinks to them LOL

But yeah alright! Super cool, I'll just hit you up on discord sometime whenever I have some questions. Looking forward to the next chapter!

Awesome!! ^^ Yeah, in that case it should've mentioned you could join the Discord server and even give you a Patreon supporter role if your discord is linked with your Patreon. But if that didn't happen, the link posted before to the discord server works still. :P No worries! I think plenty of people within the community probably go by that line of thought, even just to be safe, better safe than sorry!

Sounds good! ^^ With any luck, we'll have a announcement sometime in April to set a confirmed release date for the next episode and how we're handling stuff for what content public will have access to vs supporters until the next following release after that one. Both parties of fans/supporters should be happy though!

is that blow job the only sex scen

As of v0.19 it is. We fully plan on the route content to dive into actual sex scenes that lean into romance and pure lust moments. :P

When does chapter five come out?

We haven't confirmed a date yet, but once we have the content in the engine done around 75%. We'll publicly announce a confirmed date. ^^


I Remember Playing This Game Back When It Was Still In Either 0.17, Or 0.18. Back Then I Loved The Idea, But Was Upset There Wasn't That Much Art/Scenes. But When I Played This Version, I Was Happy That There Were More Scenes, Just Upset That (Or It Seems) Like You Started From Scratch, Since The Story Was Longer Back Then, But Is Shorter Here. But Overall I Love The Game Itself! ^^ 

Thank you for the kind words! <3 It sounds like it was probably around v0.15 or before we swapped to Ren'py for our game engine. We wanted to take what content existed before, but improve it and introduce it in a better paced way for the story and episode format. So that's technically the downside, is that we've been adding new content mixed with existing content and it's a bit slow in that sense. 

But we'll be pretty much caught up on most of the existing content and it won't be long before there's more overall content than long before the Ren'py swap. :P We hope as the releases continue, it'll surprise many for what's still to come for MA!

Ofc! And I Understand, I Couldnt Quiet Remember What Version, Since Its Been About 3-4 years-

This explains so much, I remember a really awesome character line with Nova (my personal favourite) including a scene about cleaning the classroom windows maybe? (Please bring this line back)

Also possibly a school open day later in the game.

Eyup! ^^ There's still some moments and scenes from before the Ren'py engine swap and revamping of events yet to come. It's safe to say that Nova scene will return in a fitting way. :P

any chance there will be some diaper facesitting and messing?

For sure! ^^ 

THANKS. and do you have a date for the next public update?

When does chapter five come out?

Episode 5 is wrapping up it's development and should be ready soon. We'll be sharing a few screenshot and video previews of the content later this week.


Diapered females, not my thing.  I'd rather a school for diapered boys but all the teachers and staff are females. Like a femdom humiliation thing. Only boys wearing diapers, spanked, laughed at etc

I downloaded and played this without realizing what it was.  I actually liked most of what I had saw, but wondering if there is a plan or even option that may already exist to cut out certain scenes.

Glad to hear the unexpected surprise turned out to be a good one! :P I can't say there is a option or plans to have certain scenes cut out or turned off for players through options, but depending on what the scenes are in question. It might be something we could possibly offer as a optional visual within setting/options. (Like if messy visuals are too much for some people, it wouldn't be out of question to possibly have a option that replaces those with versions that don't have such extreme visuals.)

That particular aspect of the game really isn't my thing.  It might be more appealing to more players if an option was put in the menu to skip/disable those messy scenes.  Might be something to consider at some point.  Either way, I did actually enjoy the game.

Thank you for your thoughts! ^^ We'll consider the option within config settings from the title screen to have those kind of scenes turned on/off in a fitting way for players based on their preferences for visuals.

Hi when will the next public update be?

Roughly around the first week of January by the looks of it. (Busy holiday season has affected things a little bit.)

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I'm going to give it a chance I don't like the fact that they have diapers but you have to have an open mind if I like the game I'll keep commenting as I think and some problems see you later

(1 edit) (-1)

hey why dont

 you make some of this but whit boys


We are looking towards the future for after development comes to an end and so there is a possibility for anything. :P For this game project, there are a few guys in the game, but they're not of relationship interest.

I assume you're hoping for yaoi/malexmale content with your question mainly? This falls in line with many requests to see something similar, but for yuri/femalexfemale content for the game. Which seems to have a higher demand for that content, but we're still unsure exactly how or if we'd be able to include this to the game. As of right now it's on our lower priority of tasks, just simply due to how many routes there are for the game currently planned. ^^"

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Why diapers? Is it because its a fetish of yours or do you think this makes the game any more enjoyable or smth?

I'm not too sure how to approach the question, it sounds like maybe this isn't the kind of game for you and that's perfectly okay! There are people who do like ab/dl themes and gladly welcome these kind of games among the community, but it won't be for everyone.

Awesome game Would like more diaper messing and more characters to have sex with later on in the game overall loved it and cant wait for chapter 5!

do know any other good games that are like this one ???

So it's my annual question time: Any word on that Sissy Femdom Route with one of the Femdom students?


Still planned and in the works! :P It'll be part of v0.21 once that's ready, but I can't promise exactly how much of that content will be full on sissy femdom right away.


Haven't tried this yet, just have a question why diapers?

Hope you'll find it enjoyable! ^^ It provides a pretty interesting twist as it's heavily attached to the school's rules. But there's also some other qualities along the way that help make things feel unique. (The real answer is that there's a whole group of people who enjoy diapers in many different ways, for myself there's a humiliation aspect to it.)

My only complaint is that on the main menu screen, there's no button to exit the game! Pretty minor thing, but figured I'd point it out. Good VN, very cute, I couldn't help but binge through the whole thing in one night!

Thank you for the mention! We'll add it to our list of bug/fixes to address in upcoming releases. ^^ Glad to hear you enjoyed it though, hopefully you'll enjoy the new content along the way as well!

It's very cute! I love the wide variety of girls! I like Miki, cause she's cute and I'm also autistic. Is Zoey also meant to be autistic, or is she disabled a different way? 

Thanks! ^^ Glad to hear that! Zoey is actually not autistic, but slight spoilers related to Episode 4 that's hinted towards it.. (She's considered "slow" or not very bright by her cousin Nathan.)

hay do you guys know when the next update will be???

Aiming for early this month.

Anal sex?

There will be the option for asking your girlfriend in the route if you can attempt it or see how they react to asking. :P Can't promise all girls will enjoy it, but there are a few in the cast that check the marks!


Interesting game! Wonder if there'll ever be Male X Male stuff but I don't think so considering it's a school for girls only.


Glad to hear that! ^^ Yeah, sadly there isn't much options for male x male stuff given the setting. On the flip side, we have had demand for female x female content, but we're still unsure exactly how to go about this. It's possible some content like this is offered after the main development is finished for the base game.

I love the game! When is the next episode coming?


Thank you! ^^ Next episode should be coming in July. We had some awkward issues in recent months with programming, but our original programmer is returning this weekend and so we'll be getting content moving along steady once again.

Oh well thats great to hear! No rush at all just really been enjoying the gameplay ofc :)

Thank you for all the amazing love, care, passion, and time you have put into this project. May you continue to see great success as development progresses!

I just wanted to offer some words of encouragement and appreciation for all you and your team have accomplished. It can be easy to forget at times, but you and your team are paving the way for others to follow in your footsteps, and creating something that brings enjoyment to many. Thank you for all that you are, and all that you do.


Thanks for the kind words! ^^

hows developing going?

So far pretty smoothly with a few minor hiccups that's typical, but fingers crossed! :P

Forgot to post a update dev log here on itch, but we're looking to get the next set of releases out on May 15th with how progress is coming along in the play test builds for development. So it won't be too much longer for a new update! ^^

So I tried to play the game on windows and it crashes at some points I think it's due to using the skip button. But I seem to be unable to avoid the crashing.

Sorry to hear that this is taking place! >.< That's the first I've heard of it crashing for Windows in a long, long time. (Since before we made the swap to Ren'py as the game engine.)

I'll try recreating the issue on my computer by skipping, using the skip button. (Where exactly are the crashes happening around which scenes and which episodes? Is it always at the same exact spot or feels random?)

Along with that, if you can provide your computer specs and which version of Windows os you're using. This information might provide us with better details.

Thank you!

Added note: I downloaded v0.19 for Windows/Linux from and tried recreating the issue on my computer, but I couldn't recreate your crashing issue personally.

I'd say knowing your computer specs and exact Windows os version will be the most help. ^^" (I'm assuming it's due to older specs or maybe conflicting software running in the background. Could be a number of things, but I would say not enough ram and maybe it's peaking out while skipping through and trying to load all those assets in a hurry or software running besides Renpy that is causing issues.)

What we can possibly do for v0.19.5 when it comes to the public is set the text skip speed down, so it's slower by default, maybe with the option of decreasing or increasing it for personal taste in config settings.

yeah I just realized it was the game reaching chapter 4. I played the versions prior in 14.5 and didn't think it was suppose to end that quick lol. I do love the new story though it's more interesting. 

XD Gotcha! Just to double check, the game is ending at the end of episode 3 and not going into episode 4? Or did you mean when reaching the end of episode 4 it ends. (Former being the intended for v0.19)

I'm happy to hear you like the direction of the new story! ^^ It's been quite a trip once we moved the game engine from Tyranobuilder to Renpy, but we're trying to keep even older moments returning to offer surprises and play off of everything in the grand scheme of things. Overall it's pretty exciting or it should be as the common route events end after episode 5 and routes begin. :P

the scene post play fight and the dialogue after.

It feels like a new universe with the changes but they the story is smoother than version 14.5. 14.5 felt like the story was a bit rushed and didn't make sense. The story this time feels right with smoother transitions. An example of 14.5 was the princess vs princess story plot thrown in at the end of the original chapter and the sex scene via drugs. Although the school is much more creepier now like messed up (no pun intended).

Deleted post

Not to spoil things too much, but there are some moments in the game where the pov swaps to other cast members, including females. But I will say this at least, it won't be seen as playing the game as a female protag. (We do have a ton of requests to add a option to play through the game as a female protag, which isn't completely ruled out yet. We do want to tackle it correctly though and look at all angles.)

Deleted post

Very happy to hear that! ^^ I hope even the future content will provide good experiences until we figure out exactly how to go about female protag options. :P Thank you!

I have the .18 version how do I update it without paying for it again

Should be able to download v0.19 for free here on itch. Then take the "saves" folder from your v0.18 game folder and copy/paste it to replace the "saves" folder in the v0.19 game folder. Then everything should be copied over for your saves to continue where you left off into new content. ^^

Hi, so it's been like a year I think since I last asked this question. When last asked you guys said it was gonna be added soon... sissy/femdom content or something like it? An all girls school really seems like the place for it haha.


Hi! Without too much spoiling, there is still plans for some sissy/femdom content being added. This might vary from person to person for how far that'll cover, but I can assure you there's 2 routes that focus on both of these to certain degrees! ^^ We'll have route episodes coming along here before Summer, we're just awkwardly dealing with a new programmer situation on the team currently, but they're proving themselves so far this month on getting more used to the existing code and how we handle things for the project. ^^

Thank you!

i dont know what exactly is causing this, but on and android apk version of the game it crashes almost instantly.

i found your .ogg folder i see this a fit time to mix up your music

Deleted 2 years ago

^^" Can't access since it's a link on your local computer. But without any spoilers for others, if you haven't checked out Miki's Dream. You might want to try playing through that. :P (When you start a new game, it'll ask if you want to play Miki's Dream or start fresh aka Episode 1)

Miki's Dream is seen as a side story, it expands on Miki of course as a character, learning more about them. Timeline wise, it takes place before the guys show up at the academy.

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